Food supplement contamination and reduction of a ban imposed on an athlete sanctioned by the AFLD for doping

The firm recently assisted a rugby player before the AFLD (Agence Française de Lutte contre le Dopage) Commission des sanctions.


The athlete was prosecuted following a positive doping test during training.


The firm’s support throughout the procedure enabled the rugby player to obtain a significant reduction of the ban, which was reduced to a one-year.


Collaboration between the firm and the athlete in the preparation of the file is an essential part of the athlete’s defense before the AFLD, as it enables the firm to put together a defense file designed to demonstrate the absence of fault or negligence.


In this case, the athlete’s defense enabled the AFLD to demonstrate the contamination of food supplements consumed by the athlete.


Numerous products, including medicines and food supplements, can be considered doping products and are prohibited by law.


Where doping is concerned, the athlete’s responsibility is said to be objective.


This means that each athlete is responsible for what is in his or her body, and therefore for what can be detected during a doping control.


Amateur and professional athletes are strongly advised to consult a lawyer and a doctor before taking any medication or dietary supplements.


The firm can also assist you in your sporting activities, to alert you to prohibited practices and substances.


For further information, please contact the firm.


The list of prohibited substances and methods is available on the AFLD website:

Le cabinet est situé à Aix-en-Provence (France).

Le cabinet intervient dans toute la France mais également à l’étranger, auprès d’une clientèle française et internationale.

Maître BRUIN travaille en français, en anglais et en espagnol.
