You can contact the firm
by e-mail, phone, or via the contact form below:
The Law firm offers a range of flexible costs options, wherever you are in France or abroad.
The Law firm is transparent about its fees and will its best estimate at the outset and the case.
Fees are subject to a fee agreement, in accordance with the legal and ethical rules governing the legal profession. They are set taking into account the following criteria: the difficulty of the case, the client’s financial capacities, the costs incurred by the lawyer and the extent of the due diligence to be performed.
Thus, we will consider a number of different costs options:
The fees are calculating using a hourly rate, which is set according to the law firm’s fee earners’ knowledge and experience. We are happy to discuss our fees directly with you to give you a closer estimate of the likely costs.
Within this framework, legal assistance is provided on a regular basis. The fees are due on a regular basis.
This will be an agreed (fixed) amount which will not be varied upwards or downwards – whatever the outcome of the case. be anticipated.
When the client is covered by a legal expenses insurance the fees are in whole or in part, borne by the insurance, within the limit provided for in the client’s contract.
Le cabinet se trouve entre le Palais de justice et le tribunal judiciaire d’Aix en Provence.