This website is edited and managed by:


Audrey BRUIN – Lawyer

 9 Rue Manuel
13100 Aix-en-Provence – Frane
Tel : +33(0)

Registration number : 790 134 357



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Intellectual property rights

The website is protected by intellectual property rights and is the exclusive property of Cabinet BRUIN. The design, graphics, content and organisation of this site are original works and are the sole property of Cabinet BRUIN. Any reproduction, or demarcation, total or partial, made without the consent of the author, or his successors or assigns is illegal. The same applies to translation, adaptation and arrangement by any means whatsoever (Law 57298 of 11 March 1957).

Hyperlinks to third party sites

Cabinet BRUIN has no control over the content of third-party sites. The existence of a hypertext link between Cabinet BRUIN and a third party site does not in any way imply that Cabinet BRUIN controls the content of the third party site.

Disclaimer of liability


It is the responsibility of the user of this site to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the Internet.


Modification of the site


Cabinet BRUIN reserves the right to modify or correct the content of this site and this legal notice at any time and without prior notice.


Collection of personal data


In accordance with Article 34 of the French Data Protection Act, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you. To exercise this right of access, please contact Me Audrey BRUIN, by email : You can access your personal data, rectify it, request its deletion or exercise your right to limit the processing of your data.

Consult the website for more information on your rights. If, after contacting us, you feel that your “Data Protection” rights are not being respected, you can submit a complaint to the CNIL.